Visit of UNHCR to SES Betzdorf

During a short visit for a meeting about our standing partnership, we had the chance to visit SES Betzdorf with the team of UNHCR SESS section. The visit began with a presentation of new technologies followed by a tour of the grounds.

Humanitarian ICT Week in Luxembourg, April 2014

ETC emergency telecommunications cluster

Hosted by the Government of Luxembourg, Humanitarian ICT Week involved three key events: the ETC Plenary Meeting, WGET ICT Humanitarian Forum and Technology Innovation Day, a forward looking and inspirational workshop.

« Trophée Européen » for

In december 2013, won the « Trophée européen » as part of the « Trophées de la Résilience Sociétale » awarded by the French High Committee for Civil Defense. The «Trophées de la Résilience Sociétale » goal is to reward every two years the best initiatives aiming at improving social resiliency, security and protection of vulnerable populations against majors risk and threats.

Documentaire afriquemediatv

Afrique Media

Documentaire: présentation de et ses actions pour la gestion des catastrophes grâce aux systèmes de communication d’urgence en zone sinistrée.

Marc Bichler: When ICT Saves Lives at TEDxLuxembourgCity


Marc will talk about how modern satellite-based information and communication technology can help to save lives in disaster areas. In an inspiring humanitarian project, he and his team have used the private-public partnership model to create a rapid response communication infrastructure that can be deployed within minutes and restore connectivity rapidly after a natural disaster.