Humanitarian ICT Week in Luxembourg, April 2014

Hosted by the Government of Luxembourg, Humanitarian ICT Week involved three key events: the ETC Plenary Meeting, WGET ICT Humanitarian Forum and Technology Innovation Day, a forward looking and inspirational workshop.
« Trophée Européen » for

In december 2013, won the « Trophée européen » as part of the « Trophées de la Résilience Sociétale » awarded by the French High Committee for Civil Defense. The «Trophées de la Résilience Sociétale » goal is to reward every two years the best initiatives aiming at improving social resiliency, security and protection of vulnerable populations against majors risk and threats.
Documentaire afriquemediatv

Documentaire: présentation de et ses actions pour la gestion des catastrophes grâce aux systèmes de communication d’urgence en zone sinistrée.
Marc Bichler: When ICT Saves Lives at TEDxLuxembourgCity

Marc will talk about how modern satellite-based information and communication technology can help to save lives in disaster areas. In an inspiring humanitarian project, he and his team have used the private-public partnership model to create a rapid response communication infrastructure that can be deployed within minutes and restore connectivity rapidly after a natural disaster.