At WFP’s request, in February 2017, the Government of Luxembourg deployed one regular deployment kit to Maiduguri, providing internet services to the humanitarian community in the IHP base camp.
Since the start of the violent conflict in North-Eastern Nigeria in 2009, there are an estimated 1.8 million people displaced and a further 200,000 seeking refuge in the neighbouring countries of Cameroon, Chad and Niger. Seven million people are currently in need of life-saving assistance in the three worst-affected states in the north-east: Adamawa, Borno and Yobe.
The Emergency Telecommunications Sector (ETS) was officially activated in Nigeria on 23 November 2016. As global lead of the ETC, the World Food Programme (WFP) is coordinating the ETS in Nigeria, responding with government, private sector and humanitarian organisations to ensure a coordinated response.
Internet connectivity services from local Internet Service Providers (ISPs) are often not reliable or available in newly accessible areas in North-East Nigeria. This is hindering the humanitarian response on the ground.