Vaccine Refrigerators & Transport Boxes to Gaza

Luxembourg has provided, through the EU humanitarian response capacity, medical and logistical support including:
100 Electricity Generators to Ukraine

Following Ukraine’s request through the European Union’s (EU) Civil Protection Mechanism, Luxembourg’s Development Cooperation has decided to send 100 electricity generators.
gear.UP 2023 – Tukastan Exercise

During this 2023 edition of the gear.UP event an 8-day field exercise was held designed to further advance the emergency response capabilities of the participants in a fictional scenario.
VIDEO: Internet boosts assistance for people displaced by Boko Haram

In support of the Refugee Emergency Telecommunications Sector (RETS) led by UNHCR in Niger, the Governement of Luxembourg deployed one kit in Diffa, supporting UNHCR and its partners.
ETC in South Sudan (2011-2017)

Following the country’s independence in 2011, the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) was activated in South Sudan, under the leadership of the World Food Programme (WFP), to provide security communications, internet connectivity and coordination services to the humanitarian community.
Deployed in response to Hurricane Matthew in Haiti

The category 4 hurricane hit southwest Haiti on 4 October 2016. It was the strongest hurricane in Haiti since 1964 with wind velocity of over 235 km/h. The hurricane left hundreds dead and thousands of homes destroyed.