gear.UP 2023 – Tukastan Exercise

During this 2023 edition of the gear.UP event an 8-day field exercise was held designed to further advance the emergency response capabilities of the participants in a fictional scenario.
10 years (2022)

Public-private partnership was formed with the aim of providing communication services in remote areas hit by humanitarian crises. An initiative between the Luxembourg government, SES, Hitec Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Air Ambulance, the platform was first deployed in January 2012 to provide assistance during the civil war in South Sudan.
VSAT 2014 “changing lives award” for SES enabled

Luxembourg, 1 October 2014 – SES TechCom, a wholly owned subsidiary of SES S.A. (NYSE Euronext Paris and Luxembourg Stock Exchange: SESG), announces that it has received the prestigious “Changing Lives Award” at the VSAT 2014 conference in London.