ETC Services for Communities (S4C) in Dominica

The Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) is enabling hurricane-affected communities in Dominica to communicate with their families and friends and to access critical information and make better-informed decisions on how to rebuild their lives.
Let’s Net 2017 hosted in Luxembourg

Training sessions (like Let’s Net) prepare humanitarian workers to better respond in emergencies – participants get familiarised with the equipment, improve not only their technical but also their soft skills, and learn to work better as a team!
ETC in South Sudan (2011-2017)

Following the country’s independence in 2011, the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) was activated in South Sudan, under the leadership of the World Food Programme (WFP), to provide security communications, internet connectivity and coordination services to the humanitarian community.
Deployed in response to Hurricane Matthew in Haiti

The category 4 hurricane hit southwest Haiti on 4 October 2016. It was the strongest hurricane in Haiti since 1964 with wind velocity of over 235 km/h. The hurricane left hundreds dead and thousands of homes destroyed.
Communiquer en situation d’urgence – FUTUREMAG – ARTE got mentioned in the FUTUREMAG by ARTE
IHP grows stronger

The discussions between Luxembourg and IHP were initiated some years ago. At that time, there was a recognition that the parties had complementary assets and similar mandates but the collaboration did not gain momentum. In 2013, the parties reignited the talks and a formal introductory process was initiated to familiarize each other about organizational mandates, operational objectives, and working modes.
VSAT 2014 “changing lives award” for SES enabled

Luxembourg, 1 October 2014 – SES TechCom, a wholly owned subsidiary of SES S.A. (NYSE Euronext Paris and Luxembourg Stock Exchange: SESG), announces that it has received the prestigious “Changing Lives Award” at the VSAT 2014 conference in London.