Let’s Net 2019

Let’s Net training aims at preparing humanitarian workers to respond more efficiently in emergencies by deploying, running and supporting the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Data and Voice services.
From the 25th January to 29th January 2019, the EU MODEX, a European Union civil protection exercise, took place in Tinglev, Denmark. During this exercise emergency.lu has successfully completed it’s certification and is now part of the European Emergency Response Capacity (Voluntary pool).
Let’s Comm Digital 2018

Let’s Comm Digital is a five-day training course which is directed towards humanitarian workers, with a background in analogue VHF communications and specialized in ICT, who require expertise in the deployment of DMR Digital radio infrastructure.
ETC Plenary 2018

From the 15-17 May 2018, the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Plenary meeting, which is an annual gathering of ETC partners to discuss ongoing operations, key strategic developments and initiatives within the humanitarian ICT sector and other pertinent issues relating to the cluster, took place in Luxembourg.
Let’s Net 2018

Let’s Net training aims at preparing humanitarian workers to respond more efficiently in emergencies by deploying, running and supporting the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) Data and Voice services.
VIDEO: Internet boosts assistance for people displaced by Boko Haram

In support of the Refugee Emergency Telecommunications Sector (RETS) led by UNHCR in Niger, the Governement of Luxembourg deployed one emergency.lu kit in Diffa, supporting UNHCR and its partners.
Emergency.lu joins the EERC

Luxembourg will hence participate with the satellite-based telecommunication system «emergency.lu» to the European Emergency Response Capacity (EERC) as well as to the European Medical Corps for an initial period of two years.